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Midiplus Minicontrol (32 key)

Midiplus Minicontrol (32 key)


Out of stock

Dimensions 46 × 12 × 3 cm

Keys – midi, studio

32-key MIDI Keyboard Controller, small size but with powerful Arpeggiator and key compound functions. 32 keys
Velocity sensitive / Mini key
Pitch and Modulation wheels
Volume clipper potentiometer
Unlimited rotation data regulator
Four rotation data potentiometer
Octave Buttons (Up , Down)
Metronome (TAP), Arpeggiator (ARP)
Chord mode | Set button
Drum PAD A/B switch button (A:1-8/B:9-16) The keys of composite function, includes transpose Buttons (Up , Down), reverberation function selection, three velocity curve, arpeggiator mode, arpeggiator time, scales mode select
